Since its inception in 1995, the LHRC has been growing steadily keeping up with a pace of social and economic development of the country. It works throughout Tanzania through its outreach services and human rights violation monitoring activities. LHRC has the capacity to influence policies, laws and issues of practice at the national level, while obtaining its mandate and support from the grassroots. The LHRC is registered under the Companies Ordinance Chapter 212 of the Laws of Tanzania as a Company without shares limited by guarantee. The organization was founded from a human rights project of the Tanzania Legal Education Trust (TANLET). It has its main office in Dar es Salaam and a regional office in Arusha.
The LHRC provides its services from its Headquarters in Dar es Salaam, Arusha sub-office and the Legal Aid Centre at Kinondoni in Dar es Salaam.
The LHRC is a non-partisan, non-profit sharing, non-governmental organization striving to empower the public, promote, reinforce and safeguard human rights and good governance in Tanzania through legal and civic education and information; sound legal research and advise; monitoring and follow up of human rights violations; and advocacy for reforms of policies, laws and practices to conform to international human rights standards.
SOAWR Statement to the ACHPR 81st Ordinary Session
Download the Full Statement 19th October, 2024 SOAWR Member Alliances for Africa (AfA) presented a statement at the 81st Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights